Incoming email

The inbox is the central feature of the email app. Here you can read incoming messages, reply to them as necessary and compose your own emails.

Displaying newly received emails

If you have received an email, your smartphone's LED indicator will flash and a corresponding notification will be shown in the Info centre. Open the Info centre and tap on the notification to display the new email. You can also open the Email app in the All apps list and go straight to your Inbox.

Writing emails

When you open an email app, the first screen you see will normally be the inbox. Many apps have a pencil icon somewhere on this screen. Tapping on the pencil will open the input window so you can write an email. In emporia's pre-installed app, you have to tap on the Write email (a) button.

Just as you do when writing an email on a computer, you now enter the recipient in the To  (b) row, enter a Subject (c) and write your email in the space for text (d). When you've finished writing, you can also attach files such as photos before sending the email.

Tip: The Cc field is for you to enter recipients you would like to receive a copy of the email. If you want to send an email to several recipients at the same time, but don't want your recipients to see each other's email addresses, put all the addresses in the Bcc field.

If you wish, you can attach a file (for example, a photo, PDF or Word document) to your message. To do this, tap on the paperclip symbol (e)at the bottom of the display, choose the file type (image or video) (f) and follow the instructions. To send your message, tap the green "Send" button (g) at the bottom edge of the screen followed by "Yes" (h).

Displaying old emails

Every email account is divided into various folders such as Inbox, Sent emails and Drafts. In the emporia email app, you can switch to other folders if you tap on the Inbox button.

Deleting an email account

To do this, open the page in Settings that displays all the Accounts connected to this phone. Select the email account you want to delete and then tap on Remove account.