Starting emporia

When you have completed the
Android and Google settings, you
will see the Android home screen.
Tap on the emporia icon.

Legal notices
Agree to the terms and conditions,
the data privacy policy and
the app permissions for the
emporia app. To do this, check the box next to
»I have read and I agree to all of the above.«
Confirm this by tapping on "Next".

Setting the emporia app as
the home screen

Select the following settings to
make your smartphone start with
the emporia interface.
• Tap on "Next".
• Tap on "emporia".
• Tap on "Set as default".

emporia app registration
Enter your name, age group, gender and email address and confirm these details by tapping "Next".
• Then tap on "Finish" to complete the set-up process for the emporia app.
• Your smartphone will now start up with the emporia interface every time.

Concluding the set-up process
A notification will appear in the Info centre if any of the installation steps have been skipped.